About TCA
We are a quasi-military academy developed by the National Guard to give at-risk teens a second chance. Your child will live in a military like environment while attending the academy which provides much needed structure and discipline to help change their lives. The National Guard Youth ChalleNGe program consists of 8 core components cadets must complete to be a graduate of the program.
Academic Excellence
All cadets attend daily academic classes to prepare them for the high school equivalency test. Select cadets will have the opportunity to earn a Tier 1 accredited high school diploma or Credit Recovery through virtual learning.
Life Coping Skills
Cadets learn how to identify and control emotions, such as anger and stress and how to utilize conflict resolution strategies. Cadets also learn every day skills such as banking, budgeting, job interviews and computer skills.
Job Skills
Cadets prepare for long-term, gainful employment. Career exploration is accomplished through career assessment and interest inventories, job-specific skills orientation and awareness, and training in area vocational centers.
Health and Hygiene
Cadets learn the value of a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle. ChalleNGe offers a holistic approach that combines physical and mental well-being as cadets explore the effects of substance abuse and sexually transmitted diseases on their over health and well-being. Cadets learn the physical and emotional benefits of proper nutrition through participation in classes and structured group discussions.
Responsible Citizenship
This component helps each cadet to develop a better understanding of the forces that work to make a community strong and supportive of its members, as well as the forces that work to disintegrate a community. Cultural awareness, violence prevention, promoting justice and the honor code are discussed in this area.
Service to Community
In the Core Component of Service to the Community, cadets develop an understanding of the benefits gained through volunteering at community projects and agencies. Cadets volunteer many hours performing services for agencies such as the American Red Cross, and others. Certificates and awards are given to cadets for their participation.
Each cadet gains the skills necessary to be a good follower, a valued member of society, and gains exposure to the traits of good leaders so they may be prepared to lead when the opportunity arrives. Leadership Positions, Color Guard, Drill and Ceremonies, and Character Development are part of this curriculum.
Physical Fitness
Cadets participate in a program of physical fitness training, which encourages a lifelong commitment to physical, mental and emotional well-being. Cadets must show improvement during the 22-week residential program. Activities include, but are not limited to: military style PT, running and organized sports.