During today’s awards ceremony at TCA New London, Cadet James Frye was named Class 61 Academic Honor Graduate. This honor goes to the cadet who has the highest combined score on their high school equivalency testing. Congratulations Cadet Frye, the TCA New London staff has every confidence you will go far in life and make …
TCA New London held their class awards ceremony today on campus and during this time, the most improved cadet and the commandant award were bestowed on Cadet Miyara Green. Both awards are chosen by the commandant and it is prestigious to win one, but Cadet Green has persevered over the past 22 weeks and managed …
TCA – New London held their class awards ceremony on campus today. One of the awards given is the Iron Person award which goes to the cadet who has the highest combined score on their physical fitness test. Class 61’s Iron Person award winner is Marcelo De Souza. We would like to congratulate Cadet De …
Class 62 Cadets held their Blood Drive for the American Red Cross on 28 February 2024. 50 Cadets were able to participate along with four staff members. A total of 44 pints were collected. The Blood Drive is a program requirement for each class.
The Tarheel Challenge Academy screens and trains an adult mentor for each cadet. Mentors and cadets are matched during the residential phase. This mentor volunteers to give support to one cadet for at least 12 months following graduation. Mentors provide the support and guidance necessary to keep their graduates on track and focused on the …