By the direction of the Adjutant General of the North Carolina National Guard, and the State Director for Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy, and in conjunction with the current State of Emergency, TCA-S residential operations will remain suspended until Saturday May 16, 2020. We are asking all cadets to return on that day. Please plan your arrival …
By the direction of the Adjutant General for the North Carolina National Guard, in conjunction with the State of Emergency for North Carolina, TCA-Salemburg has suspended residential operations and released all cadets to their parents/guardians on Saturday March 14, 2020. Therefore, the planned Mentor Training scheduled for March 21, 2020 and Mentor visit scheduled for …
As part of the ChalleNGe program, cadets participate in physical training every day during the 22 week residential phase. During the program, cadets are evaluated at the beginning and then a final PT test is administered in the closing weeks to show the progress made by each cadet in his or her own physicality. During …
Family Day, February 1nd, 2020 was a big day for our cadets and their families. It was the first time they have seen each other since In-processing Day on January 4th. Their only means of communication has been by US mail. You can only imagine the excitement on their faces as they embraced each other …
Before they became candidates, they were surrounded by the smiling arms of their families, large and small. Then the candidates step into our Tarheel Challenge family, wearing their uniform for today which was gray and comfortable. Their steps continued through as their hair was cut, equipment is distributed, and they said goodbye to their family …
TCA Salemburg Class 54 Justice Academy-Team Building Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. Henry Ford The cadets thought the first day was rough; however, the Justice Academy awaits! The cadets started off with a trust fall. Then they jumped through windows and repelled down walls as they raced …
Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy Salemburg candidates traveled to Camp Butner for a part of their acclimation phase training. The Acclimation phase took place during the first two weeks of the program and tends to be the toughest part of the program because of the new daily regimen filled with military-themed structure, discipline, demanding activities and 5:30 …
On Monday, March 2, members of the TCA New London Cadet Advisory Board visited Central Elementary School located in Albemarle, NC to help celebrate National Read Across America Day 2020 by reading books to CES 4th grade students. Each cadet chose the book he/she wanted to read to the class based on identifying with the …