New London and Salemburg
844-880-5206 or 800-573-9966

Category: TCA Salemburg

TCA Salemburg Justice Academy

During the first week immediately after being cleared for physical activity, candidates are introduced to team-building exercises. The focus of these activities is to instill trust and confidence among the team members. Candidates also get their initial exposure to negotiating tough physical challenges which they must complete relying on their own grit and determination.  

TCA Salemburg Class 64 In-Processing Day

Generally, in processing day is a day of reckoning for many candidates.  For most, this will be the very first time they spend an extended period of time away from family and all of the comforts of home.  Being thrust into a communal environment with the others on their team, all males get their hair …

INCLEMENT WEATHER UPDATE In-Processing for Class 64 on Sunday, January 12, 2025.

January 9, 2025   INCLEMENT WEATHER UPDATE Winter Storm Due to the inclement weather forecast, Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy, Salemburg, will hold In-Processing for Class 64 on Sunday, January 12, 2025. Team Arrivals: Team 3 at 9:00 a.m. Team 2 at 11:00 a.m. Team 1 at 2:00 p.m. Keep checking the website ( for updates!

Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy – Salemburg, Class 63 Military Ball

Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy -Salemburg, Class 63 Cadets enjoyed themselves at the class Military Ball.  The TCA – Salemburg, Military Ball is a semi-formal function infused with several military traditions designed to provide an opportunity for Cadets, and Staff to meet socially to recognize and celebrate the achievements and pending graduation of the Corps of Cadets.  …

Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy Salemburg Activity Day

TCA-Salemburg Class 63 enjoyed Class Activity Day at the Round-A-Bout Skating Center in Fayetteville.  During each Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy class, cadets are required to raise funds that support the program requirement to make donations to charitable organizations and purchase their graduation memorabilia.  Providing they raise enough money, Cadets also use this funding for the Military …

The Joel Fund’s mission

The Joel Fund’s mission is to improve the lives of veterans and their families by reconnecting them to life at home and connecting them to non-traditional services. The Joel Fund uses the power of community to engage, educate, and encourage veterans and their families.  

TCA Talent Show Calls 63

TCA Talent Show Calls 63 We had a lot of great singers and Rappers in the Talent Show.  The Cadets work very hard at practicing before the Talent Show. They did a great job.    

TCA Salemburg Blood Drive

Class 63 held a blood drive for the American Red Cross.  Donors must be at least 16 years old to donate.  All eligible cadets are encouraged to participate, with credit earned towards their Service to the Community Component.

TCA Salemburg Raleigh Capitol Tour

Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy traveled to Raleigh to visit the State Capitol. They toured the Legislative Building, the State Capitol, and the North Carolina Museum of History. The Cadets enjoyed a fun-filled day of learning the History of North Carolina.      

Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy – Salemburg, Class 63 Military Day

TCA-Salemburg cadets were visited by recruiters from multiple branches of the armed forces.  This allowed cadets the opportunity to ask questions and compare the different options that exist between branches and to explore the possibility of embarking on a career in the military.