Family Day was a big day for our cadets and their families. It was the first time they have seen each other since In-Processing. Their only means of communication has been by US mail. You can only imagine the excitement on their faces as they embraced each other for the first time in four weeks. …
On Saturday, July 22, 2023, TCA New London Class 60 held their semi-annual Walk-A-Thon and 5K race. Each class holds a walk-a-thon and has now incorporated the 5K race into the fund raising opportunities. It also supports multiple unified goals; to raise funds for the class military ball, class activity day, graduation gifts and completing …
Class 61 Candidates visited the North Carolina National Guard training facility at Camp Butner during Week 2 of the residential phase of the program. As part of the twenty-two (22) week residential program at Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy, candidates spent multiple days at the facility where National Guard members worked with our candidates to improve their …