New London and Salemburg
844-880-5206 or 800-573-9966

Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy Salemburg Skating

Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy Salemburg Skating


TCA-Salemburg Class 60 enjoyed Class Activity day at the Round-A-Bout Skating Center in Fayetteville. During each ChalleNGe Academy, cadets are required to participate in a fundraiser to raise the funds necessary to support their requirement to make donations to charitable organizations,  and to purchase their graduation memorabilia.  Cadets also use this funding for a Military Ball, and the class Activity Day.  The Cadet Advisory Board (two cadets from each team) handles the planning and preparations for the Military Ball, choosing the venue, activity, and food for the Activity Day in celebration of the Class accomplishment in completing the 22-week ChalleNGe program.