TCA NL Class 55 Inprocessing
Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy Class 55 successfully began yesterday, November 7, 2020. A huge thank you to all of the parents/caregivers who entrusted TCA with their children. The first day is always the toughest and they have sailed through it with flying colors.
The male candidates were given haircuts yesterday, all candidates have received their cadet guides and this morning they are busy being introduced to the staff who are briefing the candidates about their departments and what they do. These first two weeks are referred to as acclimation as the candidates adjust to their new structured lifestyle of sleep times, meal times, physical training and team building exercises.
Please encourage your child to give 100% to the program and not give up easily. We are looking forward to another successful class where our graduates are prepared for the next step in their lives. Please visit the album on our Flickr page for photographic coverage of inprocessing.