New London and Salemburg
844-880-5206 or 800-573-9966

TCA NL Class 56 Drill and Ceremony

TCA NL Class 56 Drill and Ceremony

On Saturday, May 15, 2021, TCA New London held its class Drill and Ceremony Competition for Class 56 cadets. If you missed the Facebook livestream of the event, you can view it on the academy YouTube channel by clicking here.

Team 3 won the regulation portion of the drill where cadets are required to do particular moves such as right face, about-face and other commands. The cadets start working towards this on their first day at the academy and the competition is held at the end of week 4. Team 2 won the fancy portion of the drill and cadets develop and practice their own routine. Congratulations to all the cadets for all of their hard work.