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TCA Salemburg Class 51 Celebrates Activity Day

TCA Salemburg Class 51 Celebrates Activity Day

TCA Salemburg Class 51 cadets enjoyed their class activity day at Round-A-Bout Skating Center located in Fayetteville on Friday, November 30, 2018. During each class, cadets are required to participate in a Walk-A-Thon fundraiser where the proceeds from the donations provides graduation gifts, a military ball and the class activity day.

Early in the class session, a Cadet Advisory Board is elected and comprised of two cadets from each team. This board works to encourage giving among the cadets and choosing the activity for Activity Day. Class 51’s Cadet Advisory Board chose a day of skating fun and food to celebrate their accomplishment of completing the 22 week program at the academy. Great fun was had by all and now it’s on to the first academy military ball and graduation on December 7.