New London and Salemburg
844-880-5206 or 800-573-9966

Author: Richard McClintock

TCA Salemburg Mentor

The Tarheel Challenge Academy screens and trains an adult mentor for each cadet. Mentors and cadets are matched during the residential phase. This mentor volunteers to give support to one cadet for at least 12 months following graduation. Mentors provide the support and guidance necessary to keep their graduates on track and focused on the …

TCA Salemburg CPR Training

TCA-Salemburg Cadets complete a 4-hour training certification in First Aid, CPR, and Automated External Defibrillators. (AED)  

Salemburg Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy Family Day Class 62

  Family Day is a big day for Cadets and their families.  A spirited Drill and Ceremony competition between the teams allowed Cadets to showcase their newly acquired skills.  Afterwards, Cadets were allowed to leave campus to pick up supplies and enjoy a good meal from an area restaurant rather than the academy Dining Facility.  Family …

Class 62 visits The North Carolina National Guard Training Facility at Camp Butner.

Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy-Salemburg (TCA_S) candidates in Class 62 visited Camp Butner during their second week of training.  Camp Butner is the North Carolina National Guard Training Facility located in Granville County.  As part of the twenty-two (22) week residential program at Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy, candidates spend multiple days at Camp Butner and are instructed by …

TCA Salemburg Justice Academy

During the first week immediately after being cleared for physical activity, candidates are introduced to team-building exercises. The focus of these activities is to instill trust and confidence among the team members. Candidates also get their initial exposure to negotiating tough physical challenges which they must complete relying on their grit and determination.  

Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy – Salemburg, Class 61 Military Ball

  Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy -Salemburg, Class 61 Cadets enjoyed themselves at the class Military Ball.  The TCA – Salemburg, Military Ball is a semi-formal function infused with several military traditions designed to provide an opportunity for Cadets, and Staff to meet socially to recognize and celebrate the achievements and pending graduation of the Corps of …

Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy – Salemburg, Class 61 Emerging Technology Institute is an organization that conducts Science Technology Engineering Math activities

Emerging Technology Institute is an organization that conducts Science Technology Engineering Math activities for students, including school-based innovation sessions and summer camps. They have partnered with Research Triangle Institute International to study the impact of Science Technology Engineering Math education in southeastern North Carolina  

Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy – Salemburg, Class 61 Military Day

TCA-Salemburg cadets were visited by recruiters from multiple branches of the armed forces.  This allowed cadets the opportunity to ask questions and compare the different options that exist between branches and to explore the possibility of embarking on a career in the military.

Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy Salemburg Activity Day

TCA-Salemburg Class 61 enjoyed Class Activity Day at the Round-A-Bout Skating Center in Fayetteville.  During each Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy class, cadets are required to raise funds that support the program requirement to make donations to charitable organizations and purchase their graduation memorabilia.  Providing they raise enough money, Cadets also use this funding for the Military …

TCA Salemburg Class 61 Academic Awards Ceremony Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy

TCA Salemburg Class 61 Academic Awards Ceremony Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy – Salemburg held its Class 61 Awards Ceremony on December 4, 2023. All cadets who earned awards, honor cords, and other recognition are to be commended for their outstanding performance in the academic component of the Eight Core Components.  Congratulations to all Class 61 graduates! …