TCA New London @ Camp Butner
Class 53 is off to a great start and candidates visited the North Carolina National Guard training facility, Camp Butner during week 2 of the residential phase of the program. As part of the twenty-two week program at Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy, candidates spend multiple days at the facility where National Guard members work with our candidates to improve their fitness levels while also teaching them other skills such as map reading and orienteering, teamwork, outdoor survival and other skills they will carry with them throughout their lives. Candidates also run through multiple obstacle courses with the help of the same National Guard members in order to help build self-esteem, foster esprit de corps among candidates, as well as break through their own physical and mental limitations. At the end of their stay at Butner, they learn they are stronger and more capable of facing challenges that come their way. A huge thank you goes to the NCNG for their time!
For more images from Camp Butner, visit our Flickr page.