New London and Salemburg
844-880-5206 or 800-573-9966

Month: October 2024

TCA Salemburg Blood Drive

Class 63 held a blood drive for the American Red Cross.  Donors must be at least 16 years old to donate.  All eligible cadets are encouraged to participate, with credit earned towards their Service to the Community Component.

TCA Salemburg Raleigh Capitol Tour

Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy traveled to Raleigh to visit the State Capitol. They toured the Legislative Building, the State Capitol, and the North Carolina Museum of History. The Cadets enjoyed a fun-filled day of learning the History of North Carolina.      

Tarheel ChalleNGe Academy – Salemburg, Class 63 Military Day

TCA-Salemburg cadets were visited by recruiters from multiple branches of the armed forces.  This allowed cadets the opportunity to ask questions and compare the different options that exist between branches and to explore the possibility of embarking on a career in the military.